Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sarah Palin - WTF?!?


This reminds me that my children are probably unaware of the meaning of the phrase "Hail Mary pass." I'll take this opportunity to define it for them.

What was he thinking?

I am a black woman who has listened to all kinds of criticism of affirmative action (usually from Republicans), and as I understand it, they most object to moving unqualified people to the front of the line based on their race and/or gender. This is a stunning example of the very, very worst form of affirmative action. This choice offends me so much on so many levels. This lady is thin-skinned (loyalty tests), irrational (Creationism in schools), anti-environmentalist (polar bears should not be considered an endangered species, despite strong evidence of their peril), clearly illogical (promoting abstinence-only sex education, despite that policy's personally evident poor results), and deceptive (saying that she is against earmarks, despite having hired a lobbyist to score millions in earmarks for her small city).


By the way, in case anyone else doubts the endangered status of polar bears, here is a link to one of my favorite pages ever: The bears' situation is absolutely heart-wrenching.

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