Sunday, September 14, 2008

Smells Like...

The house is empty, and I decide to indulge myself: I am going to download music. That's right, I am going to redeem that $15 music card that I got for my birthday back in December.

First up: correct an embarrassing gap in my catalog by adding Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit. Oh, yeah, I am so hip. The music starts to play, and I start waving my arms around as if I am the Queen of the Mosh Pit. Oh, yeah, I am tearing it up here in my chair in front of this computer! I am one middle-aged woman who knows how to live! Those kids were just getting in my way - watch out world, here I come! the medicine cabinet. Turns out what it really smells like is Bengay. Sigh. The heat wrap isn't working, looks like I'll have to haul out the back brace. If anybody asks, I hurt myself vacuuming under the sofa, okay?

1 comment:

Eytán Lasca-Szalit said...

Ah... now I know your secret, but I promise not to tell..