Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Why do I even bother?

A very recent conversation, again with a sixteen-year-old boy:

"Did you eat dinner?"


"What did you eat?"

"The roast beef you left for me."

"Where's your plate?"

"I washed it."

"Maybe so, but not in this lifetime. Let's start the conversation again..."

Friday, March 07, 2008

Sweet Revenge

For all of you beknighted parents out there, I have a great way for you to turn the tables on your teenager. If they insist on tuning the channel to their station when you're in the car, listen carefully to the dreck that issues forth. Then, after you have memorized the most objectionable items, sing them as you work around the house.

Trust me, when your sixteen-year-old hears your soprano belting out the words "She turned around and gave that big booty a slap," it just might make their head explode. At the very least, it will cause them to keep you as far away from their music as possible in the future.

Happy to be of service!