Monday, August 30, 2004


About a month and a half ago I got a notice from the IRS that they had not received my 2002 taxes; could I please send them in? This was worrisome, since I had, counter to my usual dilatory and disorganized behavior, actually filed my 2002 taxes. What could be going on? I reacted like a prey animal under threat, but not the kind that runs. Rather, I balled up in a corner and hoped not to be noticed. Maybe they would go away.

A week ago I got another letter from the IRS, and panicked. I took the letter to work with me all week, but never opened it until Saturday. Then I almost laughed with relief. I owed them $96.45 on my 2002 taxes; could I send a check?

I mentioned to my daughter that within two weeks the IRS had lost and then found my taxes. Perhaps they have a paperwork tracking system like my own?

Right, she said. Maybe they have a large china cabinet, and when company is coming they sweep all of the papers off of the dining room table and jam them into the cabinet and force the doors shut, ensuring that they will subsequently be unable to find anything for at least two weeks.

I hadn’t meant to carry the metaphor that far, but it is an intriguing picture of government agency as frazzled working housewife…

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